Second Symposium on Frontiers of Underground and Space Physics and Cosmophysics Held

      The Second Symposium on frontiers of underground and space physics and cosmophysics was held in Qiandaohu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, from May 7 to 12, 2023. The symposium is co-sponsored by Tsinghua University, the Institute of Theoretical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific. More than 200 academicians, experts, leaders, and representatives from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, Sichuan University, the Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Theoretical Physic Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Institute of Atomic Energy, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Yalong River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., and other institutions attended the symposium.


Group photo of the participants

     The symposium involves many frontiers of the current underground and space physics and cosmophysics, including theories and experiments related to dark matter and neutrino physics, gravitational wave detection, nuclear astrophysics, and cosmic ray physics. The participants had a full discussion on the current research status and results of the topics, as well as the prospects and technological routes.